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Dec 25, 2020

How do we live right and righteous in a world that lives wrong? Is it possible? In this episode, Vince Miller addresses how to live right when our faith is under pressure.


Dec 20, 2020

I think what we all want right now is some unity. Here is how Paul says we can find it.

Dec 11, 2020

Have you ever felt far from God? If so, you are not alone even those close to God have moments in their life they feel far. Today Vince Miller shares two things we must remember when we feel far from God. - Check out the Men's Daily Devotional

Dec 4, 2020

At some point, we are all going to need some grace. We want it from our wife, employer, kids, and friends. But there is one who has it in infinite quantities, and he wants to give it feel to you!

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